“Can I just turn it off for a while?
Wait, May be not?
Because, I am addicted?
Oh gosh! This hatred is going too far.
The moment I open this social media.. all I see is nations being destroyed by hatred. Women’s rights being denied. People spreading fake posts, fake empathy, fake comments and reactions. I don’t know at this point of time what God might be wondering. I am no close to guess his thoughts and his plans for us. But peace is something we can actually choose. Why are people heading towards hatred?
Is the pandemic not god’s choice but ours?
Are we the ones spreading hatred?
I feel so bad for the women in the other part of the world being tortured. I can’t imagine that fate and agony. I wonder how it is to suffer being in their shoes. They don’t deserve this. I am here sitting in my couch feeling sorry for them but doing nothing for them. I feel so vulnerable. At this point of time I feel like how life would have been if everything and everyone were at peace. I guess my desires are hypothetical but love is a choice and I wish one day this world chooses love over hatred.”
Can I turn it off for a while?

I agree with you. There is so much of negativity and hatred everywhere. and especially women are the ones who suffer the most. If you open any hold book women are given a big stature and have been well respected. But in today’s society things are changing and in many cases by so called religious men.