Happy New Year!!!

sylvester, fireworks, new year's day-3882231.jpg

Happy New Year!!!!!

On behalf of Euphoria, I wish everyone a very Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Last 2 years had been really tough for each one of us. We had gone through COVID, lot of us lost job, some of our dear ones passed away, and we had been under lot of stress. But in-spite of all these challenges, we were able to fight back and bring back our life to new normal.

I request all of us to forget some of these bad memories, and cherish some of the good ones we had, and hope that year 2022 will bring lot of good memories and happiness in our life. with that being said, I want all of us to take out some time for ourselves and do something that will make us happy. My parents used to say, start the day with doing something good and the year will follow the same.

This is the time where we make some new resolutions, Here are some of the ones I had planned for myself,

  • Play some physical sport or exercise at least 3 days a week.
  • Identify 3 people who annoy me the most and will stay away from them. basically try to stay away from people who spread negativity.
  • Build stronger bonding with friends who really care for me.
  • Plan for at least 20 days of vacation in 2022, and visit at least 3 New Places.
  • Do some sort of charity to help kids in need.

I would like you also to try some new resolutions which are easy and practical to put in use.

As per History, New Year Celebrations started some 4000 years back in ancient Babylon and was celebrated around March with the sight of new moon following the day with equal amount of sunlight and darkness. It was celebrated over couple of days. King Julius Caesar with the help of astronomers and mathematicians then introduced the Roman calendar which is close to the Gregorian calendar most of us follow now. But across the world people have different day to start their New Year celebrations and most of them are tied to harvest season in that country or some astronomical sightings. In India itself we have many new year celebration across the country, such as Jude Sheetal in Bihar, Gudi Padwa in Konkan & Maharashtra, Vishu in Kerala and many others. Well thats why Indians are so lucky they get to celebrate their New Year based on their local calendars and also follow the ones across the globe.

Omicron is still around, so please make sure all the celebrations are done indoors with your family. Please avoid going in public unless required. Have a health and safe environment for yourself and others.

Again, I wish  you all a very happy, prosperous and safe New Year.

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