Self Care Techniques

We require love to grow. Love which is unconditional. We often tend to search for love in wrong places. It is always within us. Self love is rare in people with negative attachments.

Research shows that people who follow self care techniques are more likely to live happily. Self care need not reflect satisfying the deep desires within us. Some small contentful acts of self love can bring great changes in one’s life.
Some self care techniques are:
1. Skin care
Every once in a while follow skin care methods like go for a pedicure. Have a facial done. Take good care of your body. Love your body and everything it has gone through all this while. Cherish your scars. This will bring peace to you and make you feel happy for your existence and survival.
2. Good music
take some time and listen to soft or funky music according to your personality and feel the lyrics of the songs to enjoy them the most.
3. Journal
write down things you’re grateful for. gratitude is the best way to attract positive vibes. After some years when you overcome things you were so afraid of you’ll feel proud of yourself
4. Watch movies
Watch movies/series of your favourite genre or favourite star. Give yourself sometime to enjoy things that are available to you.
5. Play any indoor or outdoor game
Games are the best recreational activities and this will help you bring out of those stressful thoughts/anxiety.
6. Gardening
Get your hands dirty with mud. Planting a life is one of the best things to do as selfcare. It brings peace to your mind.
7. Sing/Dance
whatever your hobby is don’t keep it aside while you are busy earning money. It is always those hobbies that bring happiness and content in our lives.
8. Spend time with children
If you love children and their cuteness, spend sometime with them. They are the most innocent and honest people on this planet.
9. Sleep
Have a good sleep for better functioning of your brain and it is one of the best selfcare you can give to your body.
10. Read/Listen to a good self growth book
Self growth/autobiographies and personal growth movies/books are really confident boosters and will bring hope to life.


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